Charlotte Awake
Our mission is to make disciples in decentralized networks that thrive in the face of growing spiritual darkness and persecution

A long line of prayer intercessors over the city
Bible Clusters
Read. Talk. Pray.
Engaging Scripture and Encountering God TOGETHER

Beneath One Roof
Following Jesus together for authentic kingdom change
Church Awake
Equipping next-generation leaders for a coming tsunami of change

Wisdom of Old "Soles"
Older and younger walking God’s path together in wisdom and vitality

About Us
In the early 2000s, the prayer mothers and fathers of Charlotte birthed “Charlotte Awake.” They did so because of a keenly felt need for revival in the church and spiritual awakening in the community and culture.
No one knew the details beyond that, but by faith, “Charlotte Awake” became an umbrella for believers with the same vision and calling for God’s church. This open group has always been diverse, brought together by the Holy Spirit, trusting God for His kingdom and His will as we near Jesus’ return.
Charlotte Awake remains a movement where people feel called to pray. Originally stewarded by Bob and Mary Lance Sisk, Dr. Bob Lowman, Bishop Larry Jackson, and others, in 2014, Dr. David Ingrassia became the movement’s current steward—one always headed by the Lord Jesus.
We are followers of Jesus, anointed and called. Since 2014, a Board of Elders oversees Charlotte Awake’s staff and ministry operations. The prayer movement remains as it was, an open and diverse calling of all who are anointed by God’s Spirit to pray for church awakening in Charlotte and beyond.
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